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  • Lifting & Safety Gear Ltd

The Importance of Safety in the Construction Industry

The construction industry is known for posing more occupational risks than other job sectors, but with the right health and safety measures, this can easily be avoided. Read on to gain a thorough understanding of the importance of safety in the construction industry and how employees, passers by and businesses can become affected without the right protocol in place.

Workers in safety gear

Protect your workforce

Construction sites will often require employees to work at a height, handle heavy loads and operate large machinery. These are all tasks that can carry substantial risk if the right health and safety measures are not in place. In fact, the construction industry in the UK is responsible for a third of fatal injuries that occur in the workplace. Injuries and fatalities can occur as a result of workers falling from a height, being struck by moving objects or being crushed by vehicles and machinery. In addition to this, construction workers are also more likely to be exposed to illnesses such as vibration white finger, carpal tunnel syndrome, occupational deafness and dermatitis. This is why it is crucial to ensure your company implements firm health and safety measures to mitigate workplace hazards.

Protect passers by

Companies also have a responsibility to protect visitors, clients and passers by from any risks associated with a construction site. By making sure everyone on site follows stringent health and safety procedures, you will minimise any potential hazards and be able to keep people safe.

Protect your business

Health and safety issues will have a detrimental effect on both the performance and reputation of your business in a number of ways:

● When health and safety measures aren’t adhered to, illnesses and injuries are more likely to occur. This can result in your business losing a significant amount of man hours and productivity, which is likely to affect the profitability of your company.

● Any problems in your business associated with health and safety have the potential to cause you legal complications. If you fall foul of the law by failing to implement the correct regulations, you could face hefty fines from the HSE. In serious cases, your company can even be banned from operating, in addition to the risk of being sued by employees or passers by who have been personally affected by the lack of health and safety measures.

● Companies who continuously breach health and safety laws may have their memberships or accreditations from industry bodies removed. This will be a very bad look for your business, and can therefore seriously affect profitability.

Lifting & Safety Gear Ltd is a well-known lifting and safety gear supplier with an excellent reputation. We cater to both domestic and commercial lifting needs - for more information on our fantastic range of safety equipment, please contact our friendly team today.

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